Don’t make negative thoughts personal, because they are not being thought by who you really are.

This may sound confusing if you are identified with the part in you that thinks negatively, imagining it to be you.

Actually, the energy, or the consciousness, in you that thinks negative thoughts is what I refer to as the “Ego”. Whenever this energy is active, it stands out in your space. Who you are is pure positive energy, so the “Ego”, when it’s active, will always stand out as a “sore thumb” in your consciousness.


The negative energy that is present in the space of your consciousness keeps feeding on more negativity, it’s like a self-replenishing cycle. However, this energy cannot sustain itself if “you” stop fueling it with your attention.

Look at it this way – who you are is pure consciousness, but a part of you has become “deluded” and has started focusing in a negative manner.

If you start believing in this “negative” consciousness, you feed more consciousness into it and thus make it gain more momentum and mass. That’s the reason why certain adults get more and more grumpy as they age, because of the increased accumulation of “negative” consciousness.

The negative energy is like an entity, and hence I term it collectively as the “Ego” in you. The “Ego” is the part in you that judges everything in a negative manner; it gets offended, looks to insult others, and feels jealousy, lack, anxiety, shame, and other negative feelings based on fear. The “Ego” is grounded in fear and hence anything that it thinks comes from a place of fear.

Freedom from the “Ego” is only possible when you start recognizing that you are not the “Ego”.

As long as you identify with the “Ego” you will never want to let it go, and hence it will keep on perpetuating in you. The “Ego” is responsible for the creation of negative realities in your life, hence it’s of the highest importance to dissolve this energy in you.


When “Ego” energy completely dissolves in you, it will become evident that who you are is pure positive energy, and that there is no suffering in your being.

It’s not a difficult thing to achieve, all it requires is a recognition that you are not the Ego, and hence a dis-identification from the movement of the “Ego”.

The Ego energy will automatically slow down in momentum, and eventually dissolve, as you stop identifying with it.

Can you realize that the “Ego” is playing out in the background of your consciousness, which is very silent and vast? You are this vast consciousness, and your nature is based on love and joy. Peace is inherent to your nature. Shift your attention to this silent, and deep, part of you that seems to reside as the background to all the “negative” noise made by the “Ego”.

As you give attention to this “silent” consciousness, it starts waking up in you and starts coming forth into the foreground of your experience. It dissolves all patterns of “Ego” until there is none left.

The “Ego” wants to survive, and hence it does put up a fight for a while, but once “pure consciousness” wakes up, the demise of “Ego” is inevitable. The light of consciousness penetrates through the dark energy of the “Ego”, transmuting it back to its natural state.

When there is no Ego left in you, there is no more suffering, what remains is an expression of love, joy, and peace.

by: Sen

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