The Washington Post published a report in 2022 that referred to the war in Ukraine as “a battle for the nation’s mineral and energy wealth”. At the time, the article was met with little fanfare until June of this year when US Senator Lindsey Graham went on national TV and said the quiet part out loud.

“If we help Ukraine now, they can become the best business partner we ever dreamed of”

“That $10 to $12 trillion of critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the West, not given to Putin and China. We can’t afford to lose this war”

He continues, “This is a very big deal, how Ukraine ends. Let’s help them win a war we can’t afford to lose. Let’s find a solution to this war. But they’re sitting on a gold mine. To give Putin $10 or $12 trillion of critical minerals that he will share with China is ridiculous”, he repeated.

This newfound revelation has been met with scrutiny and backpedaling. Both of which, shout agenda-driven BS. Let’s go to that 2022 Washington Post article to illuminate and expound on this revelation.

According to the Washington Post journalists  Anthony Faiola and Dalton Bennett,

Ukraine is widely known as an agricultural powerhouse. But as a raw-material mother lode, it’s home to 117 of the 120 most widely used minerals and metals, and a major source of fossil fuels.

The Washington Post journalist discovered, “Ukraine harbors some of the world’s largest reserves of titanium and iron ore, fields of untapped lithium and massive deposits of coal. Collectively, they are worth tens of trillions of dollars”, wrote the leading US newspaper, which is the personal property of billionaire oligarch Jeff Bezos.

In addition, the Post added, that Ukraine has “myriad other reserves, including stores of natural gas, oil, and rare earth minerals — essential for certain high-tech components — that could hamper Western Europe’s search for alternatives to imports from Russia and China”.

The major media outlet referred to Ukraine as “a raw-material mother lode”, that is “home to 117 of the 120 most widely used minerals and metals and a major source of fossil fuels”.

According to the Post, at least $12.4 trillion of natural resources are located in the eastern part of Ukraine, where most of the fighting has happened in the war.

Now here is where things get a little sketchy. In 2021, the US revised an official code of laws with Ukraine titled the “Cooperation Between the United States and Ukraine Regarding the Titanium Industry“.

This newly revised law states:

It is the policy of the United States to engage with the Government of Ukraine on cooperation in the titanium industry as a potential alternative to Chinese and Russian sources on which the United States and Europe currently depend.

With so much money on the line, it should be no surprise that in June of 2024, the G7 backed a multibillion-dollar loan to boost Ukraine’s military defenses. Of course, the US volunteered to pay all of it but the other nations can contribute if they can.

This is nothing more than a power grab hiding behind the veil of democracy which is why all G7 member’s approval levels are at an all-time low.

Many US Western officials believe that this seizure of assets is in violation of international law.

The US and European Union have frozen more than $300 billion worth of dollar- and euro-dominated assets that were held in the foreign exchange reserves of Russia’s central bank. (Graham mistakenly referred to these FX reserves as “money from the sovereign wealth funds of Russia”.)

Such a foolhardy effort will inevitably lead to an accelerated global drive toward de-dollarization. Also during the same week, rumors have spread that the US-Saudi-petrodollar pact has ended after 50 years. Coincidence?

It appears that it all comes down to whoever controls these minerals, controls the trajectory of global power. Ken Norton, a journalist for G/E added, that Russia is one of the world’s top producers of many of the major minerals, metals, and fossil fuels. It does not need access to Ukraine’s resources.

The United States has actively sought to block China’s access to critical minerals, as part of the economic war Washington is waging against Beijing.

In February, US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm revealed that Washington is “very concerned” about China’s significant influence in the critical minerals supply chain.

“It’s one of the pieces of the supply chain that we’re very concerned about in the United States. We do not want to be over-reliant on countries whose values we may not share”, Granholm said in an interview with CNBC.

The Joe Biden White House warned that “China controls most of the market for processing and refining for cobalt, lithium, rare earth, and other critical minerals”. Biden signed an executive order soon after coming to power in 2021 to try to limit China’s involvement in the global supply chain.

This January, US senators from the Republican and Democratic Parties introduced the Critical Minerals Security Act, which they wrote “would help secure U.S. access to critical mineral supply chains and counter Chinese industry dominance”.

This globalist hypocrisy is the reason why there is such a drastic shift in leadership happening around the world. It’s why every leader in the G7 has such low approval ratings among the people they serve. It is because the double-speak is no longer effective and the false sense of empathy for the struggling populace is filled with nonsensical banter. No one is falling for the false narratives anymore.

Democracy was never the real reason why the US AND THE GANG have chosen to sleep-walk humanity into yet another war, it was greed. It’s always about greed.

How many lives have to be lost to war, famine, lab-grown viruses, controlled- poverty, and pharmaceutical-catered addictions, before Humanity realizes that the majority of the power-wielding sociopaths who allegedly run the world’s state of affairs do not care about you, your needs, or your future. They only care about their own self-preservation. Don’t believe me, ask Netanyahu.

They only care about one thing and will stop at nothing until they get it. That one thing that every globalist wants to possess is Everything.

It’s all a game, and we the people, are complicit with its biased one-sided rules. Until we wake up and take back our God-given rights as Sovereign beings, these maniacal imbeciles will not stop killing and suppressing the majority. It is up to us to send a clear message that enough is enough.



Anthony Faiola and Dalton Bennett– Washington Post


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